
Beach Entertainment

The beach in Nice is all one needs for sheer entertainment. We went there again yesterday. It is now Saturday morning, and we have just had a grasse matinee, meaning a chance to sleep in. But yesterday at the beach we saw an overweight woman sit up (topless of course), pull out a pair of tweezers, and pluck hairs all over her body. Crawford thought the beach was the perfect place to do this and didn't see why more people weren't grooming themselves. Then later that evening we saw a group of gay guys (see picture) who took the flags out of this white structure, waved them around screaming, "vive la republique!" then they all climbed up on the lifeguard stand together. When the police came by and told them to stop, they immediately headed to talk with Crawford. I would've loved to take some pictures of this, except that I was being kept busy in conversation by an old nicois man who was talking to me about the oil spill and how it was akin to the big waves they had in Nice a month ago. "Not really," I said. I told the kids that I should never have said that I speak French. It was the kiss of death. Lily, Nicole, and Crawford all got up and left, and I had to finish my sentence while walking away. Then they all admitted that those guys really liked Crawford.

Meanwhile, during all of this, there was a French woman probably in her 40s who sauntered down to the beach wearing a big floral dress and just laid herself down on the rocks. We think she was sleeping, but she was talking in her sleep. A pigeon came by to peck at her. She did not appear to be homeless, so we were wondering what the deal was. Lily thought she was just tired and wanted the peaceful sounds of the waves crashing to lull her to sleep. About 20 minutes later when we were sitting on the promenade benches, the woman came by, almost spinning as she walked. She was pointing at people and speaking in tongues. Obviously putting spells or curses on them. Then she would bark at people. At a nearby cafe she sat down and whipped out a giant bottle of tequila and ordered a beer. Hmmm.

Anyway, these are just some of the many people we saw. Another interesting one was a seemingly nice man in a wheelchair who slapped every girl he passed on the rear. We, like the rest of the crowd, had to run away quickly. Nicole wants to make a slideshow of just pictures of the "entertaining" people we have seen. Great idea.


  1. karen19.6.10

    I laughed so hard while reading this blog! OMG, sounds like they have some characters in France. Very funny :)

  2. This was surely your most amusing post yet! You did not explain the photo of the store with the blue head shooting lights out of his head. Your readers will want to know what that is all about. Sometimes there are highly "interesting" characters to be found. The beach in Nice sounds even more eccentric! But is anyone learning any French? Have fun and above all stay away from the beach!!
