
"I love Paris in the summer when it sizzles"

The last day in Paris was one full of laughter. I think I laughed harder today than any other day remembering funny things we've done the whole trip and of course laughing at ourselves throughout the day. We've had such a great trip, and today was a great way to end.

We started on Rue de Rivoli for the sales. There were so many people, this time mostly Parisian. We got a couple of things, but no big splurges. Then we went back to the Champs where Crawford and I had to pick up macarons at La Duree, the best macaron shop in the world. The picture above is of their pastries. Everything there is amazing. Lily and Nicole had sampled them earlier this week. Then we trodded back to the hotel, exhausted again from walking in the heat. We took a long time to pack our suitcases. I didn't think Crawford's was going to close. He had to kneel on it, and even then I could feel the zipper creeping along, struggling to close. But somehow he did it. The girls too packed all their stuff and are sleeping tonight in the clothes they'll be wearing on the plane.

Tonight was my favorite night so far in Paris. We met Fabienne in the late afternoon and headed to the Louvre. We spent a while seeing Mona Lisa, Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People, Venus de Milo, and much much more, including the Egyptian exhibit. It was amusing as the kids walked thru the large painting hall as if there weren't anything on the walls. Fabienne and I had to call them back to see the Delacroix one. Actually I think it's just they haven't studied it yet and so didn't really know what to look at. But we attempted to have several short art history and Louvre history lessons.

After walking briefly past the Palais Royal (another reference to Charade) and the Comedie Francaise, we went back to the Champs Elysees for dinner at Chez Clement. The restaurant serves typical French food in a countryside decor. Mostly it's copper pots and silverware hanging from the ceiling or as the light fixtures. We had escargot as the appetizer. That was my first one ever. Lily and I had to hold hands while we ate it. I was glad she was there with me! I liked the flavor but not the texture, and so don't think I'll be eating snails again anytime soon. Of course, I had to try it once. Crawford loved them and ate about 8 total. Fabienne taught us how to eat them and then dump out the sauce and dip the bread in it to eat. We all ordered roasted chicken and fries except for Fabienne who got beef tartare. She let us try it. We agreed that it tasted like pepperoni, but we took issue with eating raw meat. Those French will eat anything!

As a typical French "dessert" we had a camembert cheese plate. We were so full after this, but Crawford, Lily and I wanted one last crepe nutella. So we all went to the Cafe George V (5 in roman numerals, not the initial V. like Nicole thought) for dessert. It was delicious. We said goodbye to Fabienne and to Paris and went back to the hotel. Nicole and I have plans to pick up croissants and pain au chocolat early in the morning before heading to the airport. One last French pastry before we go! Well I say one....

Thanks for reading. Can't wait to see everyone. Au revoir et a bientot!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fabulous end to a memeorable French experience. Except for the snails. How could anyone eat such a thing, I thought, as I sucked on the head of my crawfish......
    Welcome back!
