

Today, Sunday, I slept in and then went to the beach. The Mediterranean is about 40 minutes away by bus, and it was perfect beach weather. Nice light breeze, plenty of sun, and the water wasn't too cold. The sand was pretty rough which was great because of its exfoliating capabilities. (Starr, I wish I could've brought you some to add to your menagerie of skin care products) Add in the cool salt water of the sea, and it was essentially a day at the spa.

For dinner I went over to the girls' host mom's house again. We had a delicious appetizer. A slice of eggplant, then a slice of tomato on top, a slice of mozzarella, a basil leaf, and then another slice of eggplant.

Also, the other night, I sat at the cafe again this time on the edge and away from the misty fan to video the people walking by as per your request, Dad. Luckily, there was this crazy looking roller-blading man to video. Very entertaining. Hope this one is up to your standards, oh great father.


  1. I think it's nice that there was music for him to rollerblade to. (him?)

  2. Well thanks for the closer up view of life on the square @Montpelier, France. I love the roller blade guy zipping past everyone. I saw three fat people which is probably all of the fat people in the city! In Mississippi there would have been 100 fat people to see in the square. The Mediterranean sounded great and makes me want to make an appointment for exfoliation of something! Happy Birthday, Shay. I think one is always younger in France, wii? love, dad

  3. Shay6.7.09

    Dad, wii is the game system. Oui is the word yes. You might need to know that in order to even be considered for chaperoning!! But yes, I think that one is younger in France and thinner.
