

This afternoon we went on a excursion with the school to Cannes. It was us, Anouk, (pronounced ah-nuke) who is my teacher and the tour guide, and about 8 Spanish speakers. They wanted to stop every two minutes to take pictures. The best was when they all grouped together with Anouk and asked me to take their picture. Suddenly everyone whipped out their camera to get a photo. And they were nice enough to invite Crawford, Nicole, and Lily in the group photo sans moi. Crawford shouted out, "Don't worry, Shay. They don't want you in the picture!" Eight pictures later, we continued to walk along the beach, we saw the famous Carlton hotel, and the Palais du Festival-where it takes place. We hiked up a little hill to get a great view of the city. Then the girls did some window shopping in all the designer stores, and Crawford and I went to the beach. There's sand in Cannes. We discussed that actually, rocks aren't so bad-as they don't get all over you and you don't find them on your body a week later. There also was an old car show along the beach today, but all the cars were Porshes, Ferraris, etc. I took a picture by the car I'll be driving around town soon.

Taking the train to Cannes was fun because we got to see a man carrying his microwave around. Anouk couldn't sit down in the train because the microwave took up a whole seat. Hilarious. And we were disgusted by the amount of cigarette butts on the train tracks. (see picture) We almost all died though when Margarita, the one with orange hair, who today wore matching orange flip flops, whipped out a brown cigarette to smoke. I think we all went "eeww" simultaneously. In fact, I think us and Anouk were the only people in our group who didn't smoke.

This evening we walked around again. We spit cherry pits over the promenade. Well I should say Crawford and I did. Lily had to hurl herself forward in the chair in order for the pit to make it over the wall, and Nicole's usually just rolled down her face or fell right at her feet.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure of this but I am suspicious that the parents of the students did not envision a cherry seed spitting event as one of the learning experiences for the students! This was quite amusing again as you continue to surprise readers with the sort of underbelly of what one might otherwise envision in a two week Mediterranean Rivera event. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for the crew when you get to Paris. Surely there must be some unusual characters there and I feel sure you can find them!! All most hilarious! Trudge on, the blog is great!!
