
Happy Lundi Gras

It was not a very busy day today. First we went to the Eiffel Tower. It was sunny and gorgeous outside, so the view from the top was fantastic, but it was also colder today and windy at the top. We did not stay for very long up there. Toes and fingers frozen, we headed back to school. After lunch in the cafeteria, we went to the Louvre.

The Louvre was packed. There were more people there than there have been anywhere this whole trip. The kids took the Shay's Highlights of the Louvre tour, and then had free time to spend on their own. I always like seeing Liberty Leading the People and the Italian sculpture of Cupid and Psyche. Two of the students are currently in AP Art History, and we appreciated their explanations of some of the paintings. I think the kids should study art earlier on, because it is hard to appreciate all of the Louvre unless you know what you're looking at. Several times when they had a chance to sit down in the galleries, many of them would pull out the cell phone and play games. I can't believe that!! I'm so glad I'm not of that generation. Why wouldn't you want to look at the art?!

After school, Fabienne unfortunately had a stomach ache and wanted to come home. This meant no gourmet meal for Shay. haha. Just kidding. I'm not that spoiled. I had leftovers. We postponed out trip to an exhibit on Dior til Saturday. So the fashion blog post will not be until the end of the week! Saturday night, Fabienne's friends want me and her to come over to their house for dinner. This is because when they met me in the bar at that concert, they thought I was awesome. Hellz yeah! And Gilles and his boyfriend Cedric, who is the French version of just Jack, will be going too. I'm looking forward to that after this long week of touring!

1 comment:

  1. The photos are again so excellent. Nice work, whoever is doing the camera! The people at the bar thought you were awesome because, as you rightly pointed out, you ARE awesome. That they were at a bar drinking I'm sure had little if anything to do with their judgement!! If ever the statue of Liberty Leading the People is stolen from the Louvre, they can replace it with the photo of you "leading the people" which would be just as good for all intents and purposes! Another great blog entry except for the minor incorrect statement that you are not THAT spoiled when of course you actually are, an error which can be gratiously overlooked. Thanks for the daily blog!
