

Tuesday after class we checked out the flower market and some boutiques around town. Then we sat on the promenade for a little while. Crawford went for a run, and we were so tired that we had to rest for several hours in the afternoon. Tuesday night we people watched again, but didn't see anything very interesting.

Today, Wednesday, we went with Anouck to Antibes, another town on the riviera. We toured the port, where the yachts are unbelievable. They're huge! They have garages with other boats inside! Crawford pointed out that he had drove his Ferrari to his yacht. How practical of him. After the port, we went to a Picasso museum and saw several of his paintings there. Then Anouck toured us around an older part of the town. I included those pictures because everything was so quaint. We even saw a bath dating from the 12th century, where women used to do the laundry. Who's to say if they don't still do this? Other highlights of the day included when I was looking up at all the pretty architecture and ran right into a low pole and cut my leg. Another high point was the train ride back because it was soooo hot and the people we had to stand next to smelled, a dog was breathing on us, and we couldn't stop laughing about other funny things. For instance, in Monoco, Anouck was about to tell a historical story, in French of course. She told Nicole to read the sign because it told the story in English, and that way if they didn't understand her, they'd know what was going on. Nicole got really confused, and when she kept saying, "Read the sign" Nicole finally started reading it- aloud! haha.

We can't believe we only have two more days here in Nice. For the moment the plan is to spend as much time as we can at the beach!


  1. This is what is great about being young. You are trapped on a crowded train with smelly people and a dog and you find this highly amusing. An older person like, say, myself, would be complaining and swearing that I will never take this train again, etc. This is what is so annoying about youth. They have so much more fun! Next year you could advertise the trip as a summer stint on the beach. Instead of Panama City, it's Nice!! Enjoy the cool breezes off the Mediterranean as the sun sets! Remember how cold it was this winter in NOLA? Well the sun is trying to make sure the temperature averages to normal down here, so it is "adjusting" the temperature this summer to a range of scorching to blazing !! Blog on!

  2. Anonymous25.6.10

    Ok, I almost just died. You think yachts are big-see a moose. Also, on an unrelated note, if you're biking in a remote area a moose might misconstrue your exercise as a sign of aggression and charge at you.

  3. Gordon25.6.10

    I'm glad Nicole had no interest in the yachts. The trip continues to be great and who needs a Picasso hanging in their house anyway?
