
Last Days in Nice

Today is our last day in Nice : ( le sob. Yesterday we went to the beach, and Crawford and I went swimming in the Mediterranean. It was quite cold, but refreshing once you swam around a little because it was so hot outside. We did not stay out too long because the heat was too intense. The best part of the beach trip yesterday was when Nicole bought a slice of watermelon and spit out the seeds. A pigeon came by to peck at them. Naturally, he was followed by several other pigeons pecking at the seeds and rind on the ground. Nicole started to pick up the pieces of rind when the Italian woman next to us threw some rocks at the birds. Then Nicole said, "No no no no! Arrete!" (stop in french) "It's ok. It's ok." Nicole by all means should be working for PETA. She was not happy that the woman was throwing rocks at the birds and told me that she wanted to throw rocks at the lady. I explained the difference between scaring off disease ridden birds and stoning them to death. She cleaned off her towel with hand sanitizer after all the commotion. I think Nicole is just as entertaining as some of the other people on the beach.

Today there was a younger guy who was playing his ipod loud enough so everyone could hear. A young girl asked him to turn it down, and he just shut it off altogether. While doing that, an older man told him to turn it down as well. So the young guy got mad and said, "ok. ok." The older man then asked him (in french) what language he wanted to be spoken to in because he was not getting the difference between lower volume and off. The young guy was just attitude-y and didn't want to deal with it and kept saying "ok." All three of the people were French. But my favorite part of the story is the man saying, "what language would you like?" So typical of the French. If the young guy didn't speak French, how would he know what the old guy was saying to him? Often when people don't understand them, the French speak louder and faster, as if that will magically get everyone to be fluent.

Today Nicole braved the cool temperature of the water with me. It's rather difficult getting in because the rocks leading into the water hurt a lot and keep you off-balance. It's actually easier to submit to the cold than to try to stay balanced with your feet hurting on the rocks. But all of that is easier than getting out of the water. The waves knock you down into the painful rocks, plus you sorta have to climb up a steep foot and a half of wet rocks. Most people have to use their hands to help balance, or they scoot up slowly. Nicole was no exception. She crawled out of the water. Unfortunately for her, I was there with the camera. (see pic)

Lastly today, I bought myself a pair of jean shorts. To give you an idea of their style, color, and length, I have included a picture of a guy wearing them. They look so much better on him.

This is my last entry from Nice! Tomorrow we leave for Paris. Hopefully the hotel will have internet so that I can continue to update : ) I will leave you with a tongue twister that I learned in class today. It's hard if you speak French and even harder if you don't!
Un chasseur sachant chasser sans son chien est un bon chasseur.

1 comment:

  1. Gordon25.6.10


    I am thrilled you had a camera.
