
My favorite part of town

First off, I love that I have a favorite part of town in Paris. How chic. And Montmartre it is. This morning, after barely enough sleep, we ventured to the Moulin Rouge to start our tour of the artsy, bohemian part of town. From there, we climbed the hill up to Place du Tertre. Walking on the cobblestone streets, I thought, "how could one possibly do this in heels?" And yet, there the French women go, in heels and coats and red lipstick looking oh so fashionable. We continued past Place du Tertre to Sacre Coeur. After our visit inside, I let everyone have two hours of free time to sit at cafes, have crepes, and do souvenir shopping.

I took some pictures first, listened to a man playing an accordion (of course), bought some souvenirs and post cards, and then sat at a cafe right on Place du Tertre to write my postcards, drink a cafe au lait, and watch as people walked by. As the kids would walk by, they'd show me what they bought, but several of them said, "oh I thought you were a French person." Yes! Success! I've tricked my own travel companions.

They all went home with their hosts after we made it back to the school, and I came to Fabienne's, where she had delicious food ready for me for lunch. We had a mix of chicken, rice, mushrooms and creme fraiche. And bread and cheese as well, naturally. In the afternoon we hung out, and I am getting ready to go pick up her gay guy friend Gille, who I met last year, and we are all going to dinner and the theatre. What else would you do with your gay guy friend?! We're going to see "La Vie Parisienne" a satiric opera/musical comedy. It should be good.

More tomorrow. Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. When I saw the picture of you sitting in the cafe, I said, "Oh, look Shay took a picture of a French person sitting in a cafe. Wait! Oh, it IS Shay! Get out!!" Shay you can pass for French any day. I am jealous that you had creme fraiche as that is exactly what I have been craving today. That and an Endymion parade which now is tomorrow night due to severe weather. It is freezing here with temperatures plunging into the high 50's! I love that you have a favorite part of Paris. It is so chic! The theater experience should be most fun but will you be able to catch all the French comedy? I trust you will. The pictures today are great. Keep up the good work!
